Minggu, 15 April 2018

Teh Dandelion dapat membantu melawan jerawat dengan mendetoksifikasi tubuh

Teh Dandelion dapat membantu melawan jerawat dengan mendetoksifikasi tubuh

Potensi teh Dandelion dalam memerangi jerawat telah secara bertahap mendapatkan pengakuan dan kesadaran di antara banyak sektor. Telah ada peningkatan popularitas pengobatan anti-jerawat alami akhir-akhir ini. Memang, mungkin hanya masalah waktu sebelum rasa ingin tahu dalam minuman mungil ini, mungkin kemampuan bertarung jerawat diterjemahkan menjadi temuan dan hasil yang lebih bermakna.
Tanaman dandelion telah lama dianggap sebagai tidak lebih dari rumput yang menjengkelkan dan sial yang tumbuh di rumput, kebun dan di ruang antara dinding bata. Tapi mungkin lebih baik berpikir dua kali sebelum menghancurkan dan menebasnya.
Menurut penelitian 2009 yang dilakukan oleh University of Maryland Medical Centre, akar dandelion adalah agen detoksifikasi alami untuk hati dan ginjal. Kemampuan ini dapat membantu membersihkan darah dan menyingkirkan racun & kotoran. Jadi sifat anti jerawat yang sebelumnya anekdotal dari dandelion mungkin saja memiliki dasar ilmiah.
Jerawat Sering kali penyebutan kata itu menyebabkan banyak remaja dan orang dewasa meringis dan ngeri. Bagi banyak orang, kondisi ini merupakan beban seumur hidup, sebuah salib berat yang harus ditanggung.
Jerawat adalah kondisi kulit yang memalukan, menyebalkan, persisten, dan tidak nyaman, tetapi semuanya umum yang ditandai dengan ketidaknormalan kulit yang ditandai dengan adanya permukaan bersisik merah, komedo dan whiteheads, pinhead, jerawat, nodul dan bahkan jaringan parut.
Jerawat menyerang sebagian besar di daerah kulit dengan populasi yang paling padat dari folikel sebasea. Ini biasanya wajah, bagian atas dada, dan punggung. Permukaan penyebab jerawat adalah folikel rambut dan pori-pori tersumbat.
Jerawat mempengaruhi hampir semua orang pada suatu saat dalam hidup mereka. Perawatan jerawat konvensional tersebar luas meskipun ini bisa sangat mahal dan mungkin tidak selalu memecahkan masalah. Dengan demikian, banyak orang beralih ke solusi jerawat alami.
Ada beberapa penyebab jerawat yang telah diidentifikasi. Ini termasuk:
(a.) Penyebab hormonal - kelebihan produksi hormon;
(b.) penyebab genetik & ndash; keluarga tertentu mungkin cenderung ke jerawat;
(c.) penyebab psikologis & ndash; tingkat stres yang tinggi dapat secara signifikan terkait dengan jerawat;
(d.) penyebab bakteri & ndash; bakteri propionibacterium acnes secara luas dianggap menyebabkan jerawat, dan;
(e.) Penyebab diet & ndash; makanan tertentu diyakini berkontribusi terhadap jerawat meskipun diperlukan lebih banyak penelitian untuk menetapkan ini.
Teh Dandelion mungkin tidak sesuai untuk kondisi yang disebabkan oleh faktor genetik atau psikologis karena ini mungkin memerlukan solusi yang memasuki akar penyebab ini.
Namun, teh dandelion mungkin berguna untuk jerawat yang disebabkan oleh faktor hormonal atau bakteri. Teh herbal ini dikatakan bisa memerangi jerawat dengan membantu memperbaiki fungsi hati. Hati diketahui membantu membersihkan darah dan membuang racun dari tubuh. Tetapi ketika tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya, hati dapat membantu memperburuk jerawat karena tidak dapat memecah dan membersihkan kelebihan hormon dari tubuh.
Selanjutnya, beberapa penelitian tentang kandungan inulin tanaman dandelion menawarkan beberapa petunjuk tentang bagaimana hal itu dapat membantu melawan jerawat. Inulin, polisakarida yang terjadi secara alami di pabrik, dikatakan membantu memerangi bakteri jahat di usus. Penghapusan bakteri pada gilirannya dapat membantu meningkatkan kualitas kulit dan membersihkan jerawat.
Akar dan daun dandelion diyakini memiliki sejumlah besar vitamin A, B, C, dan D serta zat besi, kalium dan seng, yang semuanya mempromosikan kulit yang jernih. Selain inulin yang disebutkan sebelumnya, senyawa aktif lainnya dalam dandelion adalah taraxacin, taraxacoside, asam fenolik, lakton sesquiterpene, triterpen, coumarin, dan katortenoid. Beberapa di antaranya mungkin memiliki kemampuan antioksidan yang membantu lebih lanjut dalam memerangi faktor-faktor pemicu jerawat.
Teh Dandelion dapat dinikmati baik sebagai infus daun atau sebagai rebusan akar. Untuk membuat infus, cukup letakkan 1 hingga 2 sendok teh daun kering ke dalam cangkir air panas dan diamkan selama sekitar 5 hingga 7 menit. Untuk rebusan, letakkan akar kering ke dalam air mendidih selama sekitar 10 menit. Saring dan minum.
Meskipun dandelion umumnya dianggap aman, reaksi alergi dapat berkembang dari bersentuhan dengannya. Dandelion harus dihindari oleh individu yang diketahui alergi terhadap madu, chamomile, krisan, yarrow, feverfew, ragweed, bunga matahari atau bunga aster. Dandelion juga dapat menyebabkan peningkatan asam lambung dan mulas pada beberapa individu. Ini juga dapat mengiritasi kulit jika dioleskan. Orang dengan masalah kandung empedu dan batu empedu harus berkonsultasi dengan penyedia layanan kesehatan sebelum mengambil teh dandelion.
Sementara dunia telah terus menemukan kembali kearifan obat kuno di balik teh dandelion, perlu dicatat bahwa otoritas kesehatan di Amerika Serikat dan beberapa negara tidak berwenang atau menyetujui penggunaan ramuan ini untuk tujuan terapeutik dan medis.
Jadi bahkan teh dandelion mungkin tidak secara langsung & ldquo; cure & rdquo; atau mengalahkan jerawat, kemampuannya untuk membersihkan sistem peredaran darah setidaknya dapat membantu meringankan atau mencegah berjangkitnya jerawat. Menjaga kebersihan tubuh selalu merupakan proposisi suara & ndash; dan adalah mungkin untuk melakukan ini dengan bahan alami seperti teh dandelion.

Minggu, 01 April 2018

Initially Just Curious, Follow-Up and Finally Addicted

kopi hijau untuk diet beli dimana

Initially Just Curious, Follow-Up and Finally Addicted


Jakarta, the two teenage girls who still offer dance performances tickets to each passing teen are not continuing menthol cigarettes after each spent one stem. But the chat about cigarettes still flowing accompanied by snacks strawberry wafers that live just a few pieces. While Rina is busy with her cell phone, Karlina just smiles when she hears a story about her peers who are already addicted, so it's hard to poop if not while smoking. Also about the college student who had to smoke and drink coffee in order to concentrate while staying up all night to learn to face the exam the next morning. Perhaps in the shadows, an addicted person must have been from the beginning intent on becoming a smoker. If you just try and just meet the demands of the association as he did with 4 cigarettes menthol every day now, may not be so difficult to escape from the dependence of cigarettes. Can not 'pup' The story about pup that does not smooth if not smoking is a story about Dinda (17 years old), a high school student in Kramat Jati East Jakarta who met detikHealth in Tebet area of ​​South Jakarta on separate occasions. Not to be addicted indeed, because Dinda only occasionally smoking for example if it is difficult to defecate. "" If he smokes, his stomach gets sick. Mules-mules, so more fluent (defecate), "" said the girl with a big body that looks like this student. Dinda who is less than 1.5 years old knows cigarettes do not even buy their own cigarettes but only ask for Eka, his sister. Introduction to cigarettes was originated from the follow-follow Eka who also smoked, because often invited the streets. Once upon a time, these brothers smoked together in a hangout while walking around and finally the younger brother went along with making cigarettes as a habit. Directly, cigarettes have nothing to do with the bowel mechanism. Some say the effect of poking the pup is actually just a myth, but there is also a link to the calming psychological effects of smoking cigarettes. It makes sense because one of the triggers of constipation or constipation is stress, which will certainly return smoothly if his mind has been more calm. "" Must smoke if the pup is actually a psychiatric problem related to psychological growth in the oral phase. The smoker before addicted just wanted to have a bite. Just like a child who when adults like to bite pencil, it's called fixed oral phase. The term layman, small time less nyusu, "" commented Ekowati Rahajeng, Director of Non-Communicable Disease Control from the Ministry of Health. Smoking to divert stress Another story with Ikha (20 years old), 6th semester student at an Islamic university in South Jakarta who claimed to be really in the stage of cigarette addiction. When having to stay up to work on college assignments or getting ready for exams, this long-haired girl admitted hard to keep the concentration if not accompanied by cigarette smoke. Like a car engine, its brain seems not to be in-starter if not 'smoked' first.Never in a period, international relations student who is now being dizzy looking for this internship place can spend 2 packs of cigarettes a day. Even not just a cigarette, he also has started addicted to coffee. Especially since he has to stay up till the morning, he can not get away from coffee to keep sleepy and menthol cigarettes that have a cool sensation in his filter to keep his mind focused. "" I think this factor is also stress stress ya Mas. We're in college, just like now there are many tasks, then next semester PKL (Field Work Practice). I want to stop, but it's hard because it's a habit. For example like this, again diem alone. The luggage would want to smoke, "said Ikha who was sitting alone waiting for the pickup, when met detikHealth in the court Setiabudi Building, South Jakarta. Lately just because he realized he had a history of asthma and started thinking about the dangers of cigarettes as contained in the packaging, gradually Ikha began to reduce his bad habits. Now within 2 days his cigarette quota is limited to just a pack. If it is up before 2 days, he tried to refrain not to rush to buy again. Just like Karlina, this brilliant and well-groomed bronze woman also started smoking since the second grade of high school. Had to stop while sitting in grade 3, but returned to smoking while sitting in college semester 3 and started hanging out with college friends who almost all of them smoke. Until now, Ikha still have to set aside some of his own pocket money because it is impossible to ask more to the parents just to buy cigarettes. Sometimes if the money is not enough or want a more expensive cigarettes, he is willing to ngeteng or buy retail at stalls near the campus. Even because it is familiar with the seller, Ikha not hesitate to owe and only paid when you have money. Introduction Ikha with cigarettes also started from trial and error because curious to know the taste. When I quit smoking for 2.5 years, the social environment again influenced him to get back to smoking and finally until now so hard to stop. Moreover, his girlfriend is also a smoker and never mind if he smokes. It's just that because they do not have their own income, Ikha limit themselves to not smoke in front of their parents. In addition, it will not be allowed because in the family women who smoke still get negative stigma, he himself felt uncomfortable because he had 'burned' some parental allowance from his parents for something that is not useful. In fact, his own father was also a heavy smoker. Every day leisure time to cigarettes The strong influence of parents who smoke also experienced by Fitri (20 years), a student of a famous university in Grogol who has even been addicted to cigarettes since the 3rd grade of junior high. Due to follow the footsteps of his father who is also a heavy smoker, Fitri now often experience shortness of breath and start thinking to quit smoking for fear his lungs will be problematic someday. "" But it's hard when Mas is addicted. Never stop, but once there is a temptation to try again the fall even more kenceng, "" complained Fitri who had been banned from smoking by ex-girlfriend with the reason girls look inappropriate if smoking. It's a bit annoying for Fitri, because her ex-boyfriend is also a smoker. For fans of martial sports who once became the vocalist of a punk band band, smoking is like a suggestion to take a drug that is 3 times a day after eating. If not while smoking, the food he eats like no taste in the mouth. Likewise when chatting with friends or enjoying leisure time, then cigarettes really help to concentrate and more focus on the material chat. Tomboyish girl who is single status is increasingly unable to get out of cigarettes because he also suffered insomnia or insomnia, which means more and more have free time and certainly will always miss by smoking. Sometimes while listening to music. Moreover, he also has long been addicted to coffee, so his spare time so the longer because he can sleep just before the morning. Cigarette addiction experienced by Fitri is quite heavy for his age teenagers. While in his chaos, berbehel and short-haired women with bangs throws typical of this band claimed to be able to spend 2 packs of cigarettes a day. But since his breathing was getting heavier, he began to reduce it to a pack for a day and a night. Not necessarily menthol or certain types of cigarettes, for him any cigarettes can be enjoyed because he himself felt already at the stage of addiction so do not need to imitate themselves through certain types of cigarettes as well as 3B women who are very fanatical with Black Menthol cigarette. As long as the contents are tobacco and if burned there is smoke, for Fitri it is a drug insomnia.Lebih nylon than coffee and narcotics Difficulty to stop smoking experienced by two high school girls, Rina and Karlina so far is still the influence of association. According to their confession, the only factor that made him go back to smoking every time he intended to quit was because his friends always took cigarettes and offered each other when they were together. This means that if there is no temptation from the environment, they can still not smoke. However, because cigarettes have addictive properties, then in time they can also be addicted like Dinda that become hard pup, Ikha concentration difficulty and Fitri so not eating if not smoking. Initially almost the same, initially only try and if it can enjoy the taste of cigarettes is not like the narcotics that make the wearer can not stop trying. "" Cigarettes are highly addictive, much more addictive than coffee and narcotics. Even more difficult to stop, because cigarettes are everywhere while to get narcotics need a serious struggle, "" said Dr. Aulia Sani, SpJP (K), a cardiologist from the clinic stop smoking RS Sahid Sahirman when talking with detikHealth in his office. Once absorbed into the blood and then distributed to reach the brain, nicotine from cigarette smoke will stimulate the release of dopamine or the hormone triggers pleasure. This effect then makes people become dependent, as well as get sedative effect or soothe the mind so that Dinda for example, so more fluent defecation and Ikha become more concentration learn. Fitri, so more fond of eating even though his body remains cungkring like drug addicts. Though as written in the packaging, cigarettes can cause cancer, impotence, heart attacks and pregnancy and fetal disorders. As a cardiologist, Dr. Aulia cautions that cigarettes is a major risk factor in various cases of heart and blood vessel disorders. Compared to the history of hypertension and diabetes or diabetes mellitus, cigarettes are more of a risk factor for heart attacks. The effect on the heart is not only found in people who inhale cigarette smoke directly, but also to the fetus in the womb. When pregnant women are exposed to secondhand smoke, various harmful compounds in cigarettes including nicotine entering the bloodstream can be transported to the fetus through the placenta and penetrate the brain barrier. To women who smoke and are planning to have offspring, Dr Aulia recommends to quit smoking for at least 1 year in order for her pregnancy to be smooth and unharmed. It would be even better according to him, if at the time of pregnancy has stopped smoking for 10 years because the toxins are discharged from the body. This overly technical explanation seems to start boring for both young women, Rina and Karlina getting more and more engrossed in their mobile phones. The addictive risks and various health problems triggered by smoking habits for them may sound far in the air, as they feel new in the trial and error stage and simply meet the demands of lifestyle as a hangout. "" Pengennya if already work it, smoking began to be reduced because it is more mature and think should be wider. If it's still high school, still enjoying the youth is, "" said Rina who is still trying to compromise when asked if there are plans to stop smoking altogether in the near future. Karlina, still engrossed in her cell phone, just nodded, either agreeing to the idea of ​​quitting smoking as soon as possible or signaling that she agreed with her partner. The strawberry wafer on the aluminum table is now left with only the wrapper. The cigarette smokers began packing to peddle dance performance tickets elsewhere. Dear, while there is still one more story for them. About a woman, a former heavy smoker who started getting acquainted with tobacco rolling since high school and just quit in her 60s after her life was on the brink of having to wrestle with breast cancer. Who is he? Keep up with the next story. -connect to section 3- (up / ir)