Kamis, 27 Desember 2018
Dompet Kulit Pria Kickers
Minggu, 24 Juni 2018
C'è un grumo al seno, già decisamente il cancro?
C'è un grumo al seno, già decisamente il cancro?
Den utbredelsen af en lump i brystet er en af de mest almindelige sintomer på bröstkræft. Quindi, als er een lump è zeker che soffre di cancro al seno? Dismas A Chaspuri, SpB, dalla oncologia di MRCCC Siloam Hospital Semanggi ha detto che l'emergenza di un nodulo al seno dovrebbe essere cauta. Soprattutto se il nodulo non causa dolore e continua a crescere. "" Il dolore non è diffidare di. Perché il dolore non si nota raramente, raramente considerato serio. Ma se un nodulo che non guasta potrebbe essere un tumore al seno ", ha detto il dott. Dismas in occasione del Breast Cancer Day in FX Sudirman, Jl Pintu, Senayan, Jakarta, lunedì (26/10/2015).
È riconosciuto Dr. Dismas non tutti i grumi nel seno sono un segno di cancro. Un nodulo doloroso è solitamente causato da una cisti. Det er nude fordi smerte, kvinder vil være mere bevidste og mere villige til at konsultere en læge. Anche il seno al seno può essere causato da un tumore benigno chiamato fibroadenoma mamma (FAM). La FAM di solito si verifica nelle donne in gravidanza o mestruate a causa dell'eccesso di estrogeni ormonali nel corpo. Leggi anche: Ciao donne, conosci le informazioni sul cancro al seno sin dai primi tempi "" Nelle donne non sposate e di età inferiore ai 30 anni, molto probabilmente questo problema è dovuto a FAM. Non pericoloso e include tumori benigni e può essere più piccolo, ma per essere rimosso deve essere un intervento chirurgico ", ha detto il dott. Dismas. In altre parole, i tumori del cancro al seno sono generalmente accompagnati anche da altri sintomi. Ad esempio, la pelle diventa come una buccia d'arancia e lo scarico da un capezzolo simile al sangue. Altri sintomi sono le ferite nell'area del capezzolo che non si cicatrizzano: si hanno dei tumori e accompagnati da questi sintomi, è bello vedere un medico immediatamente. Spesielt hvis du er kvinder som er ældre i 50 år og har haft menopausa, vil risikoen for kreft øke. "" Se è un cancro non aver paura. Il cancro non è un verdetto, c'è ancora una gestione che può essere fatta da un medico. Det behandlingsproces bør ske sotto rejser med familie og venner. Proverbiale dopo una tempesta di pioggia deve avere un arcobaleno ", ha detto il Dr. Dismas.Baca anche: Gravitasi Vs Big Breasts? Wolf Duo: Back Pain, Tired Banget
(signora / bianco)
Sexe mais risque lié au cancer du col de l'utérus
Sexe mais risque lié au cancer du col de l'utérus
Le cancer du col de l'utérus (col de l'utérus) est un cancer dont souffrent les femmes et presque certaines femmes ont un risque de cancer du col de l'utérus. Hvordan er risikoen pour chez l'homme har sex med kvinder med cancer du col de l'utérus? Le cancer du col de l'utérus est un cancer provoqué par une infection par le virus du papillome humain ou HPV. De virus est soort van soorten, maar die heeft het potentieel om oorzaken de cervicale kanker ongeveer 20 typen en onder de meest voorkomende en hoge risico zijn types 16 en 18 (80 procent oorzaak van cervicale kanker)
Le cancer du col de l'utérus est subi par les femmes, mais parce que la transmission se fait principalement par des rapports sexuels, elles jouent également un rôle dans la propagation du cancer du col de l'utérus », explique le Prof. Dr. Farid Aziz, Président d'IPKASI (Initiative de prévention du cancer du col de l'utérus Indonésie), dans le cadre du lancement IPKASI au restaurant Kembang Goela, Jakarta, jeudi (21/10/2010) .Profid Farid explique, quand une femme est diagnostiquée cancer du col de l'utérus, habituellement le mari sera examiné ses organes génitaux par un dermatologue et des organes génitaux.La même chose a également livré par le Dr Sigit Purbadi, Spog (K), spécialiste en obstétrique et gynécologie médecin FKUI / RSCM. Jambon d'Ifølge, virus du cancer du col de l'utérus forårsaker kan faktisk eksistere hommes, nemlig de genitalorganer
Ce virus ne provoque certainement pas de cancer du col de l'utérus chez les hommes parce que l'on n'a pas d'utérus. Les hommes et les femmes me disent que le traitement de HPV est possible pour le patient, explique le Dr Sigit, un chercheur chevronné et un spécialiste de l'IPKASI.Menurut Dr Sigit, un vétéran de l'HPV, a déclaré: «HPV kan holde sig til huden eller male organes génitaux, mais le virus ce ne sera pas aussi dangereux que lorsqu'il est dans le col de l'utérus (col de l'utérus). Dit est omdat de cervix est plus grand gevoelig voor HPV-virus dan lichaamshuid de mannelijke pénis
Par conséquent, il n'y a pas eu de prévention du cancer du col de l'utérus contre les hommes, car il n'y a pas beaucoup de cas de HPV qui causent le cancer chez les hommes. En outre, les coûts encourus pour la vaccination contre le cancer du col de l'utérus chez les hommes sont également inefficaces. Dus tot nu, zowel vaccinaties en vroegtijdige detectie we doen op vrouwen, "aldus Dr. Sigit verder uitgelegd.
(plus / ir)
Effecten für die Brust-Krebs-Strahlentherapie
Effecten für die Brust-Krebs-Strahlentherapie
Frauen, die schnelle und lokalisierte Formen der Strahlenbehandlung für frühe Stadien von Brustkrebs erhalten, haben ein höheres Risiko einer Mastektomie im späteren Leben als Frauen, die mit traditioneller Bestrahlung an allen Brüsten behandelt werden. de steeds populairste straling met behulp von een snelle werkswijze bekundet als ausführlicher teilnahme von borstbestralingsbehelfshandel, um effectief zijn dan het gebruik van standaardstraling. Die Ergebnisse der Studie Studie wurde auf dem Gebiet der Borstkanker in San Antonio durchgeführt. "" Diese Studie vergleicht die beiden Strahlentherapie-Techniken für Frauen mit frühen Stadien von Brustkrebs. Frauen, die mit lokalen Bestrahlungstechniken behandelt werden, haben das doppelte Risiko, innerhalb von 5 Jahren eine Mastektomie zu benötigen, entweder weil der Brusttumor nachwächst oder aufgrund der durch die Bestrahlung verursachten Komplikationen ", Dr. Benjamin Smith vom MD Anderson Cancer Center der University of Texas Wie berichtet von FoxNewsHealth, Freitag (16/12/2011) .Das Forschungsteam hat die Form der schnellen Bestrahlung Behandlung als Brachytherapie bekannt.In der Brachytherapie-Verfahren, wo Strahlung Frauen durch einen Katheter verabreicht wird, um Brustkrebszellen zu töten, die noch können Das Strahlentherapieverfahren wurde erstmals im Jahr 2002 zugelassen und erfreut sich zunehmender Beliebtheit, die Brachytherapie sollte zur Behandlung von Krebs im fortgeschrittenen Stadium eingesetzt werden.Radioaktive Samen oder Quellen werden in oder in der Nähe des Tumors selbst platziert, wodurch hohe Dosen von Strahlung zum Tumor: Während die Strahlenexposition gegenüber gesundem Gewebe in der Umgebung reduziert wird, kommt der Begriff "Brachy" aus dem Griechischen und bedeutet sh Entfernung angeben. Brachytherapie ist eine Strahlentherapie, die in einem lokalen, präzisen und High-Tech-Bereich verabreicht wird. Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) bietet Brachytherapie für verschiedene Krebsarten. Einige Tumore, die mit Brachytherapie behandelt werden können, unter anderem: 1. Prostatakrebs2. Brustkrebs3. Lungenkrebs4. Gynäkologischer Krebs. Anal- oder Rektumtumoren6. Sarcoma7. Kopf-Hals-Krebs Die Strahlentherapie wird in der Regel mehrere Tage nach der Entfernung des Tumors durchgeführt. Die Patienten werden in der Regel zweimal täglich für 5-7 Tage behandelt. Traditionelle Strahlentherapie kann 5-7 Wochen dauern. Die Studie basierte auf einer Analyse der Medicare-Schadensdaten von 130535 Empfängern, bei denen zwischen 2000 und 2007 Brustkrebs diagnostiziert wurde. "In der Studie wurde basierend auf Patientendaten von Medicare festgestellt, dass die APBI-Brachytherapie von weniger als 1 Prozent im Jahr 2000 auf 13 Prozent im Jahr 2007 stetig anstieg. Experten sagen voraus, dass sich dieser Trend fortsetzt", sagte Dr. Smith in einer Aussage.
Kamis, 21 Juni 2018
4 máscaras naturales para eliminar el acné
4 máscaras naturales para eliminar el acné
La apariencia de acné ciertamente puede afectar su confianza. Se hacen varias formas para eliminarlos, incluido el tratamiento con productos químicos. En lugar de usar medicamentos que contengan productos químicos, debe elegir tratamientos naturales. Como se cita en TypeF, aquí hay cuatro opciones de máscara facial natural que puedes hacer en casa. Pepino, avena, yogurt Coma un pepino pequeño y una taza de avena en una licuadora, luego revuelva. Mezcle la masa con yogur. Aplique la máscara en la cara y el cuello, espere 30 minutos. Lave la tela con agua tibia y frótela suavemente en la cara. Enjuague la máscara restante con agua tibia.2. Miel Mantenga la miel en el biberón y caliente en agua caliente para que la textura sea más fluida y pueda aplicarse en la cara. Aplique miel en la cara y el cuello, espere 30 minutos, luego enjuague la cara con un paño húmedo con agua tibia.
3. Yema de huevo Separe las claras de huevo con yemas de huevo. Coloque la yema de huevo en el plato, revuelva con un tenedor o un batidor. Aplique la yema de huevo a la cara de manera uniforme, deje que se seque durante 15 minutos. Use un paño húmedo para quitar la yema y enjuague la cara con agua tibia. Nueces y yogur Destruye las nueces hasta que se conviertan en polvo fino, haz hasta 2 cucharaditas, mézclalas con yogur natural. Masajea la cara con una mezcla de nueces y déjala por 20 minutos. Para eliminarlo, enjuague la cara con agua tibia. (eya / kik)
Rabu, 20 Juni 2018
Wat u moet weten bij de behandeling van acne met laserlicht
Wat u moet weten bij de behandeling van acne met laserlicht
Samen met de ontwikkeling van de wereld van technologie in de schoonheidsindustrie, nu veel nieuwe methoden bij het oplossen van huidproblemen, een van hen acne. Het overwinnen van acne kan worden gedaan met een moderner proces, namelijk door gebruik te maken van geavanceerde hulpmiddelen zoals laserlicht of een hulpmiddel dat licht omzet in warmte-energie die de groei van acne uitzet. Methode als deze volgens Dr. Ika Ayu Windynari SpKK kan zo lang worden gedaan als onder toezicht van een dermatoloog. Maar dat moet bekend zijn, het resultaat kan niet worden verkregen door Instant.Acne verwijdering. Dit proces neemt je volledig verloren. In tegenstelling tot gewone gezichtsbehandelingen die meteen acne uitgeperst hebben. Als dit niet het geval is, worden maximaal zes nieuwe behandelingsresultaten waargenomen, dus wees geduldig. Het succes van ongeveer 90 procent, zei hij toen hij sprak met Wolipop, dinsdag (13/10/2015).
Dr. Fitria Amalia Umar, SpKK, M.Kes zei dat acnebehandeling met laserlicht of een hete lichttechniek meestal slechts die tijd is. Het doel is om ontsteking of zwelling veroorzaakt door bacteriën in de acne te verlichten. Maar later na de behandeling groeit acne weer, maar kan nog steeds niet worden voorkomen. Als de laser acne moet genezen die nog steeds ontstoken is. Dus moet worden afgewogen tegen andere behandelingen voor acne kan worden verloren, zei dr. Fitria, onlangs ontvangen in Grand Indonesia, Centraal Jakarta.
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Artsen die aan het repeteren zijn in RS Siloam TB. Simatupang die mening als het gezicht acne is, niet genoeg om de behandeling alleen met moderne hulpmiddelen te doen. Er zouden andere maatregelen moeten zijn, zoals het nemen van medicijnen die de reactie van acne-onderdrukking kunnen onderdrukken. Zelfs als de acne nog steeds ontstoken is, is het beter om de ontsteking eerst te verminderen door anti-infectieuze geneesmiddelen te nemen. Het belangrijkste is dat de gezichtshygiëne moet worden gehandhaafd door het gebruik van anti-septische gezichtsreinigingszeep specifiek voor acne. Acne kan ook keratolitikzeep bevatten om dode huidcellen te verwijderen en snel acne te laten rijpen. Kan ook peeling doen om de acne meer droog te maken. In wezen concludeerde hij, medicijnen slikend die talgklierwerk onderdrukken voor verminderde olieproductie. (int / eny)
Senin, 04 Juni 2018
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Jumat, 01 Juni 2018
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Copia regolarmente regolare del caffè Minimizza i rischi di malattia coronarica
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Copia regolarmente regolare del caffè Minimizza i rischi di malattia coronarica
Se si abitua a bere caffè ogni mattina, si dice che non solo la mente è così fresca tutto il tempo per liberarsi della sonnolenza. Un recente studio coreano ha anche rivelato che il consumo di caffè potrebbe salvare una persona dalle malattie cardiache. Wow. In questo studio, i ricercatori hanno esaminato le scansioni cardiache di oltre 25.000 lavoratori maschi o femmine nella Corea del Sud. Da lì hanno trovato un accumulo di calcio sulla parete del cuore 1 su 10 partecipanti. L'accumulo di calcio nella parete cardiaca stessa è noto per essere la causa del blocco o della costrizione dei vasi sanguigni che può portare alla malattia coronarica. Leggere anche: Rischio di malattia cardiaca nelle donne aumenta dopo la menopausa E infatti dopo la scansione viene confrontato a consumare i partecipanti al caffè ogni giorno, infatti i partecipanti che non mostrano l'accumulo di calcio nelle pareti del loro cuore sono quelli che hanno l'abitudine di bere 3-5 tazze di caffè in un giorno. Al contrario, coloro che hanno dimostrato l'accumulo di calcio sulle scansioni cardiache non consumavano spesso caffè o addirittura non avevano tempo. Questo genere di cose è stato rafforzato dai risultati delle interviste con i ricercatori sugli aspetti di rischio della loro malattia cardiaca, come una routine di fumo e di esercizio fisico e la storia di malattie cardiache nella loro famiglia. Sebbene così tanti, i ricercatori non hanno trovato alcun partecipante che abbia mostrato segni di malattie cardiache, perché generalmente solo l'accumulo di calcio da solo. Pertanto, il ricercatore ritiene che lo studio sull'attaccamento di entrambi deve ancora essere approfondito ancora una volta. "Si dice che il consumo di caffè abbia il potenziale per ridurre il rischio di intasamento dei vasi sanguigni, ma l'associazione in entrambi questi deve ancora essere scavata ancora una volta.In particolare il solco e lo stile di vita dei coreani devono essere diversi con alcune persone in diversi paesi" "Victoria Taylor della British Heart Foundation: il problema dei segni di malattia coronarica, il dr. Iwan Dakota SpJP (K), MARS rivela il dolore più prominente nel torace sinistro o nel fosso del cuore che si estende alla schiena. Sfortunatamente questo segno è spesso ignorato, anche solo visto il vento appena seduto. "" Lunghezza massima di 5 minuti, ma se un grave attacco cardiaco, il dolore può essere più di 30 minuti, mancanza di respiro, sudore freddo di mais, nausea, vomito, e può morire improvvisamente quando il restringimento avviene nei vasi più importanti perché il muscolo cardiaco non può muoversi ", ha detto il dr Iwan detikHealth qualche tempo fa.Pertanto, solo un passo per conoscere il rischio e i segni cardiaci coronarici, è raccomandato i pazienti fanno lo screening, soprattutto per rilevare se vi è un blocco dei vasi sanguigni nel corpo o meno. Leggi anche tu: attenzione! Love Time Comes Bln. Pace un attacco di cuore (lil / vta)
Manfaat Pembuat Kopi Perjalanan
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Kamis, 31 Mei 2018
Erste-Hilfe-Zeit Vertigo Kopfschmerzen
Erste-Hilfe-Zeit Vertigo Kopfschmerzen
Jakarta, die natürliche Zeit des Schwindelanfalls, man wird auch fühlen, dass die Kopfschmerzen erstaunlich sind, bis die Welt mit anderen Worten sieben Runden schwindlig gesehen wird. Früher Arzt Hilfe bekommen, gibt es viele Erste Hilfe, die Sie zu Hause tun können. Vertigo oder Verlust des Gleichgewichts wird auch so nervig sein die tägliche Geschäftigkeit, obwohl es keine Schmerzen in anderen Organen verursacht. Bei einem Rückfall werden Schwindel-Patienten auch erleben, wie sie im Stehen aufstehen und Karna-Kopfschmerzen fühlen, die bis zum weltweiten Spinnerlebnis sogar mit Übelkeit und Erbrechen verbunden sind. "" Der gefährlichste der Schwindelanfälle fällt. Wenn plötzlich ein Angriff die Treppe hochkommt, kann man fallen. Wenn es also einen guten Angriff gibt, setz dich sofort hin, nimm einen sicheren Platz ", erklärte Prof. Dr. Jenny Bashiruddin, Sp. ENT (K), PhD, Professor der Abteilung für Wissen HNO-FKUI RSCM-Krankheit, im Seminar Schwindel "Re-Balance Your Life" in RS Asri, Jakarta, Mittwoch (26.10.2011). Geben Sie einen Sweet Sweet Drink Neben schwindelig sieben Runden, setzte Professor Jenny, Menschen, die natürlich Schwindel angreift in der Regel auch entfernen kalten Schweiß. Daher kann es auch helfen, ein warmes süßes Getränk zu geben. "" Wenn aus kaltem Schweiß Liebe süßen heißen süßen Tee. Mach eine Pause. Wenn akute (chronische Angriffe abrupt) kann Beruhigungsmittel oder Anti-Erbrechen Medikamente gegeben werden ", erklärte Prof. Jenny, die an der Vertigo RS Asri Integrated Clinic praktiziert. Nach dem Erhalten der ersten Hilfe ist es jedoch nicht sinnvoll, dass der Schwindel tatsächlich wiederhergestellt wird. Vertigo Zeichen können zwar verschwinden, aber wenn ohne Suchlicht ausgelöst werden, so kann Schwindel mehr chronisch sein. "Aber dann (erste Hilfe bekommen) gibt es noch PR. Muss auf der Suche nach der Diagnose und der Ursache natürlich sein ", sagte Prof. Jenny. Vertigo kann durch Nervenprobleme, innere Krankheiten und HNO (Ohr, Nase, Rachen) verursacht werden. Einige Aspekte, die Schwindel verursachen, sind Migräneattacken, Nackenentzündung, Reisekrankheit, bakterielle Infektion des Hörgeräts und Sauerstoffmangel im Gehirn. Oft verursachen auch Defekte im Ohr, ebenso wie eine plötzliche Anomalie des Sehens oder Veränderungen des Blutdrucks, Probleme in den Nerven, die das Ohr mit dem Gehirn oder im Gehirn selbst verbinden. (mer / ir)
Rabu, 23 Mei 2018
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Rabu, 09 Mei 2018
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Rabu, 02 Mei 2018
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Minggu, 15 April 2018
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Minggu, 01 April 2018
Initially Just Curious, Follow-Up and Finally Addicted
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Initially Just Curious, Follow-Up and Finally Addicted
Jakarta, the two teenage girls who still offer dance performances tickets to each passing teen are not continuing menthol cigarettes after each spent one stem. But the chat about cigarettes still flowing accompanied by snacks strawberry wafers that live just a few pieces. While Rina is busy with her cell phone, Karlina just smiles when she hears a story about her peers who are already addicted, so it's hard to poop if not while smoking. Also about the college student who had to smoke and drink coffee in order to concentrate while staying up all night to learn to face the exam the next morning. Perhaps in the shadows, an addicted person must have been from the beginning intent on becoming a smoker. If you just try and just meet the demands of the association as he did with 4 cigarettes menthol every day now, may not be so difficult to escape from the dependence of cigarettes. Can not 'pup' The story about pup that does not smooth if not smoking is a story about Dinda (17 years old), a high school student in Kramat Jati East Jakarta who met detikHealth in Tebet area of South Jakarta on separate occasions. Not to be addicted indeed, because Dinda only occasionally smoking for example if it is difficult to defecate. "" If he smokes, his stomach gets sick. Mules-mules, so more fluent (defecate), "" said the girl with a big body that looks like this student. Dinda who is less than 1.5 years old knows cigarettes do not even buy their own cigarettes but only ask for Eka, his sister. Introduction to cigarettes was originated from the follow-follow Eka who also smoked, because often invited the streets. Once upon a time, these brothers smoked together in a hangout while walking around and finally the younger brother went along with making cigarettes as a habit. Directly, cigarettes have nothing to do with the bowel mechanism. Some say the effect of poking the pup is actually just a myth, but there is also a link to the calming psychological effects of smoking cigarettes. It makes sense because one of the triggers of constipation or constipation is stress, which will certainly return smoothly if his mind has been more calm. "" Must smoke if the pup is actually a psychiatric problem related to psychological growth in the oral phase. The smoker before addicted just wanted to have a bite. Just like a child who when adults like to bite pencil, it's called fixed oral phase. The term layman, small time less nyusu, "" commented Ekowati Rahajeng, Director of Non-Communicable Disease Control from the Ministry of Health. Smoking to divert stress Another story with Ikha (20 years old), 6th semester student at an Islamic university in South Jakarta who claimed to be really in the stage of cigarette addiction. When having to stay up to work on college assignments or getting ready for exams, this long-haired girl admitted hard to keep the concentration if not accompanied by cigarette smoke. Like a car engine, its brain seems not to be in-starter if not 'smoked' first.Never in a period, international relations student who is now being dizzy looking for this internship place can spend 2 packs of cigarettes a day. Even not just a cigarette, he also has started addicted to coffee. Especially since he has to stay up till the morning, he can not get away from coffee to keep sleepy and menthol cigarettes that have a cool sensation in his filter to keep his mind focused. "" I think this factor is also stress stress ya Mas. We're in college, just like now there are many tasks, then next semester PKL (Field Work Practice). I want to stop, but it's hard because it's a habit. For example like this, again diem alone. The luggage would want to smoke, "said Ikha who was sitting alone waiting for the pickup, when met detikHealth in the court Setiabudi Building, South Jakarta. Lately just because he realized he had a history of asthma and started thinking about the dangers of cigarettes as contained in the packaging, gradually Ikha began to reduce his bad habits. Now within 2 days his cigarette quota is limited to just a pack. If it is up before 2 days, he tried to refrain not to rush to buy again. Just like Karlina, this brilliant and well-groomed bronze woman also started smoking since the second grade of high school. Had to stop while sitting in grade 3, but returned to smoking while sitting in college semester 3 and started hanging out with college friends who almost all of them smoke. Until now, Ikha still have to set aside some of his own pocket money because it is impossible to ask more to the parents just to buy cigarettes. Sometimes if the money is not enough or want a more expensive cigarettes, he is willing to ngeteng or buy retail at stalls near the campus. Even because it is familiar with the seller, Ikha not hesitate to owe and only paid when you have money. Introduction Ikha with cigarettes also started from trial and error because curious to know the taste. When I quit smoking for 2.5 years, the social environment again influenced him to get back to smoking and finally until now so hard to stop. Moreover, his girlfriend is also a smoker and never mind if he smokes. It's just that because they do not have their own income, Ikha limit themselves to not smoke in front of their parents. In addition, it will not be allowed because in the family women who smoke still get negative stigma, he himself felt uncomfortable because he had 'burned' some parental allowance from his parents for something that is not useful. In fact, his own father was also a heavy smoker. Every day leisure time to cigarettes The strong influence of parents who smoke also experienced by Fitri (20 years), a student of a famous university in Grogol who has even been addicted to cigarettes since the 3rd grade of junior high. Due to follow the footsteps of his father who is also a heavy smoker, Fitri now often experience shortness of breath and start thinking to quit smoking for fear his lungs will be problematic someday. "" But it's hard when Mas is addicted. Never stop, but once there is a temptation to try again the fall even more kenceng, "" complained Fitri who had been banned from smoking by ex-girlfriend with the reason girls look inappropriate if smoking. It's a bit annoying for Fitri, because her ex-boyfriend is also a smoker. For fans of martial sports who once became the vocalist of a punk band band, smoking is like a suggestion to take a drug that is 3 times a day after eating. If not while smoking, the food he eats like no taste in the mouth. Likewise when chatting with friends or enjoying leisure time, then cigarettes really help to concentrate and more focus on the material chat. Tomboyish girl who is single status is increasingly unable to get out of cigarettes because he also suffered insomnia or insomnia, which means more and more have free time and certainly will always miss by smoking. Sometimes while listening to music. Moreover, he also has long been addicted to coffee, so his spare time so the longer because he can sleep just before the morning. Cigarette addiction experienced by Fitri is quite heavy for his age teenagers. While in his chaos, berbehel and short-haired women with bangs throws typical of this band claimed to be able to spend 2 packs of cigarettes a day. But since his breathing was getting heavier, he began to reduce it to a pack for a day and a night. Not necessarily menthol or certain types of cigarettes, for him any cigarettes can be enjoyed because he himself felt already at the stage of addiction so do not need to imitate themselves through certain types of cigarettes as well as 3B women who are very fanatical with Black Menthol cigarette. As long as the contents are tobacco and if burned there is smoke, for Fitri it is a drug insomnia.Lebih nylon than coffee and narcotics Difficulty to stop smoking experienced by two high school girls, Rina and Karlina so far is still the influence of association. According to their confession, the only factor that made him go back to smoking every time he intended to quit was because his friends always took cigarettes and offered each other when they were together. This means that if there is no temptation from the environment, they can still not smoke. However, because cigarettes have addictive properties, then in time they can also be addicted like Dinda that become hard pup, Ikha concentration difficulty and Fitri so not eating if not smoking. Initially almost the same, initially only try and if it can enjoy the taste of cigarettes is not like the narcotics that make the wearer can not stop trying. "" Cigarettes are highly addictive, much more addictive than coffee and narcotics. Even more difficult to stop, because cigarettes are everywhere while to get narcotics need a serious struggle, "" said Dr. Aulia Sani, SpJP (K), a cardiologist from the clinic stop smoking RS Sahid Sahirman when talking with detikHealth in his office. Once absorbed into the blood and then distributed to reach the brain, nicotine from cigarette smoke will stimulate the release of dopamine or the hormone triggers pleasure. This effect then makes people become dependent, as well as get sedative effect or soothe the mind so that Dinda for example, so more fluent defecation and Ikha become more concentration learn. Fitri, so more fond of eating even though his body remains cungkring like drug addicts. Though as written in the packaging, cigarettes can cause cancer, impotence, heart attacks and pregnancy and fetal disorders. As a cardiologist, Dr. Aulia cautions that cigarettes is a major risk factor in various cases of heart and blood vessel disorders. Compared to the history of hypertension and diabetes or diabetes mellitus, cigarettes are more of a risk factor for heart attacks. The effect on the heart is not only found in people who inhale cigarette smoke directly, but also to the fetus in the womb. When pregnant women are exposed to secondhand smoke, various harmful compounds in cigarettes including nicotine entering the bloodstream can be transported to the fetus through the placenta and penetrate the brain barrier. To women who smoke and are planning to have offspring, Dr Aulia recommends to quit smoking for at least 1 year in order for her pregnancy to be smooth and unharmed. It would be even better according to him, if at the time of pregnancy has stopped smoking for 10 years because the toxins are discharged from the body. This overly technical explanation seems to start boring for both young women, Rina and Karlina getting more and more engrossed in their mobile phones. The addictive risks and various health problems triggered by smoking habits for them may sound far in the air, as they feel new in the trial and error stage and simply meet the demands of lifestyle as a hangout. "" Pengennya if already work it, smoking began to be reduced because it is more mature and think should be wider. If it's still high school, still enjoying the youth is, "" said Rina who is still trying to compromise when asked if there are plans to stop smoking altogether in the near future. Karlina, still engrossed in her cell phone, just nodded, either agreeing to the idea of quitting smoking as soon as possible or signaling that she agreed with her partner. The strawberry wafer on the aluminum table is now left with only the wrapper. The cigarette smokers began packing to peddle dance performance tickets elsewhere. Dear, while there is still one more story for them. About a woman, a former heavy smoker who started getting acquainted with tobacco rolling since high school and just quit in her 60s after her life was on the brink of having to wrestle with breast cancer. Who is he? Keep up with the next story. -connect to section 3- (up / ir)
Minggu, 11 Maret 2018
Façons naturelles de réduire le cholestérol
Façons naturelles de réduire le cholestérol
Jakarta, la maladie de cholestérol est l'une des menaces pour tout le monde. En fait, le cholestérol est une substance naturelle produite par le foie et est important pour assurer le bon fonctionnement de nombreux nerfs et hormones. Mais l'excès de cholestérol peut augmenter le risque d'accident vasculaire cérébral.Danansir de Women Daily Magazine, les niveaux de cholestérol peuvent être dérivés par les moyens naturels suivants: 1. Noix Les arachides sont connues pour abaisser les niveaux de cholestérol naturellement. Les noix, les noix de cajou et les amandes sont le meilleur moyen de réduire le taux de cholestérol. Mais les noix sont également riches en calories, donc devrait être sage de les prendre.2. Évitez les gras trans Les gras trans doivent être évités car ils augmentent le mauvais cholestérol et abaissent le bon. La plupart se trouvent dans les aliments emballés commerciaux ou les aliments frits. Les gras trans augmentent le risque de crise cardiaque et peuvent causer la mort. Ne fumez pas L'arrêt du tabac peut augmenter considérablement le HDL (lipoprotéine de haute densité) ou le bon cholestérol. Non seulement il augmente le bon cholestérol, mais il aide également à abaisser la tension artérielle et le risque de crise cardiaque. Lisez-le aussi: Lebaran arrive! Enregistrer le premier message du médecin pour garder le taux de cholestérol éveillé4. Chocolat au chocolat est le plus délicieux des antioxydants pour promouvoir facilement la bonne croissance du cholestérol. La plupart des antioxydants se trouvent dans le chocolat noir (chocolat noir). 5. Farine d'avoine Il est fortement recommandé de commencer la journée avec l'apport de fibres, dont l'une est la farine d'avoine. Farine d'avoine se compose de fibres qui se transforme en gel après son entrée dans le corps et non seulement donne une sensation de satiété, mais interfère également avec la digestion du mauvais cholestérol de l'organisme. Sports L'exercice est la chose la plus importante pour le corps de rester en bonne santé. L'exercice est censé augmenter les niveaux de bon cholestérol et abaisser le mauvais, il améliore également la circulation sanguine saine ainsi que pour abaisser la pression artérielle. Au moins 2-3 heures d'exercice par semaine pour assurer de bons niveaux de cholestérol. Lire aussi: Liste des personnes ayant un risque élevé de cholestérol7. Assez de sommeil Idéalement dormir pendant 7-8 heures. Le manque de sommeil augmente non seulement le mauvais cholestérol mais augmente également la tension artérielle et augmente le désir de manger. Donc, chaque fois que vous restez debout, rappelez-vous que le cœur est en jeu en permettant une augmentation du mauvais cholestérol. CinnamonA une demi-cuillère à soupe de cannelle peut augmenter le bon cholestérol dans le corps. La cannelle peut également goûter le goût de la nourriture. Il n'y a rien de mal à donner un peu de poudre de cannelle sur la nourriture. Huile d'olive On pense que l'huile d'olive abaisse le taux de cholestérol parce qu'elle est enrichie en acides gras insaturés qui non seulement abaissent le mauvais cholestérol, mais donnent aussi l'effet de la taille sur l'estomac. L'huile d'olive peut être utilisée pour la cuisson des légumes ou pour les salades.10. Les aliments contenant du soja Les aliments qui contiennent du soja sont des aliments qui contiennent peu de gras saturés et qui peuvent réduire le taux de cholestérol. Il existe plusieurs types de protéines spéciales dans le soja qui aident le corps à réguler son taux de cholestérol. Manger du soja ou manger des aliments à base d'aliments tels que le lait de soja, le tofu et d'autres peut aider à réduire le taux de cholestérol. Lire aussi: Développé Central! Vaccin contre le cholestérol pour prévenir les maladies cardiaques (up / wdw)
Kamis, 08 Maret 2018
5 Fasten Tipps beim Fliegen Lebaran
5 Fasten Tipps beim Fliegen Lebaran
Jakarta, Reisen Sie hin und her in die Heimatstadt sollte getan werden, wenn der Körper fit und fit. Warum sollte die Heimreise, um den Festtag zu feiern, das Fasten nicht abbrechen? Um beim schnellen Fasten nach Hause zu fahren, gibt es einige Tipps, die Sie machen können. Die wichtigsten Tipps natürlich verpassen Sie nicht das Essen und brechen Sie das Fasten, und genug Schlaf durch Abwechslung während der Fahrt. Nun, zusätzlich zu diesen drei Dingen gibt es noch 5 andere Tipps für das Fasten während des Heimwegs. Etwas? Schauen Sie sich hier den ersten Teil an:
1. Geben Sie Medikamente Für die Dauer der Reise gesund bleiben, vergessen Sie nicht, Medikamente, vor allem für Patienten mit chronischen Erkrankungen bereitzustellen. Stellen Sie auch Medikamente für die erste Hilfe für Krankheiten zur Verfügung, die anfällig für Angriffe während der Heimkehr sind, dh Durchfall, Kopfschmerzen, Mag bis zur Reisekrankheit. Vermeiden Sie es, sich auf dem Heimweg zurückzuhalten, vermeiden Sie es, pinkeln zu lassen und urinieren Sie. Halten Urinieren kann tatsächlich Harnwegsinfektionen verursachen, die Gefahr sind, Fasten Aktivitäten während der Reise zu stören. Lesen Sie auch: Seien Sie vorsichtig, diese Bedingungen erhöhen Dehydration Risiko während Mudik3. NachtausflugFür diejenigen, die während der Heimkehr fasten möchten, sollten Sie einen Nachtausflug wählen. Zusätzlich zu den einsameren Straßen können Sie die Sonnenhitze vermeiden und das Risiko einer Austrocknung reduzieren.
Mudik-Tracks beginnen aufzuräumen (Foto: Agung Pambudhy)
4. Essen Sie nicht scharf Für Sie, die lange reisen müssen, vermeiden Sie, würziges oder saures Essen zu essen. Wenn es nicht kontrolliert wird, lauert das Risiko von Magenschmerzen und häufigen Stuhlgang, um Ihr Fasten während der Reise zu unterbrechen. Lesen Sie auch: Ärztlicher Rat für schwangere Mütter 5. Überprüfen Sie die Gesundheit Wenn Sie gehen möchten, empfehlen wir den Reisenden, zuerst die Gesundheit zu überprüfen, vor allem für diejenigen von Ihnen, die Beschwerden haben. Auf der Reise zögern Sie nicht, bei der Gesundheit Post zu stoppen, so dass Gesundheitsprobleme nicht so tödlich ändern.Baca auch: Prevent Accidents, Gesundheitsministerium überprüft die Gesundheit des Fahrers am Terminal (Frau / up)
Senin, 05 Maret 2018
I malati di cancro non hanno davvero bisogno di mangiare grassi
I malati di cancro non hanno davvero bisogno di mangiare grassi
Jakarta, le persone che hanno il cancro è spesso considerato che devono mangiare meno cibi comunemente consumati in buona salute. Infatti, i malati di cancro hanno bisogno di più cibo delle persone normali, incluso l'assunzione di grassi. Il dietologo nutrizionista di FKUI-RSCM (Facoltà di Medicina, Università dell'Indonesia - RS Cipto Mangunkusumo), Fiastuti Witjaksono, spiega che il fabbisogno energetico dei pazienti oncologici corrisponde al 150% delle necessità della persona normale o all'incirca 23/30 calorie / kg di corpo peso. La dieta raccomandata è a basso contenuto di carboidrati ricchi di grassi e proteine. Perché non astenersi dal grasso? In contrasto con le cellule sane che possono utilizzare il grasso come energia, le cellule cancerogene non possono utilizzare il grasso per i loro benefici o fonti di energia. Nel frattempo, il grasso sarà molto necessario per i malati di cancro in modo da non soffrire di perdite o perdita di peso drastica, ha spiegato. Leggi anche: In Non fumatori, Ecco come ridurre il rischio di tumori polmonari Secondo il capo del Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Nutrizione RSCM, che si riferisce allo studio di Espen, il grasso ingerito per le persone con cancro dovrebbe essere più alto del normale, che è circa il 40% del fabbisogno giornaliero di persone sane è solo del 30%. Il grasso adapun può essere consumato dai malati di cancro solo grassi sani che sono anti-infiammatori o anti-infiammatori, hanno effetto antikatabolik, non immune e in grado di migliorare gli effetti terapeutici . Il grasso che dovrebbe essere mangiato solo con il cancro è il grasso insaturo. Principalmente sotto forma di vuva Omega 3. La quantità raccomandata è 1,2-2 grammi al giorno, suggerimento. Leggi anche: Sebbene magro, donne che abitualmente consumano il cancro al rischio di cibo spazzatura (su / giù)
Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018
Para crecer óptimamente, comer y tomar leche, los niños deben estar balanceados
Para crecer óptimamente, comer y tomar leche, los niños deben estar balanceados
Surabaya, muchos padres eligen dar mucha comida a los niños, pero realmente no entienden si la nutrición está completa y cumplida o no. Esto se refleja en el eslogan 4 Sehat 5 Perfect conocido en el pasado. Según los médicos, esta teoría de la ciencia nutricional está "desactualizada", en la cual se anima a los padres a dar tanto ingesta al niño independientemente de su adecuación nutricional. Itu teoría tiempos antiguos, donde la leche se convirtió en el número 5, solo complementario. De hecho, tanto la comida como la leche, ambas se deben dar en cantidades iguales al niño. Por ejemplo, comparó niños en Indonesia con los Países Bajos, donde estudió hace algún tiempo. En los Países Bajos, desde la infancia hasta la vejez, los holandeses beben leche tan alta e inteligente. En Indonesia, sin embargo, la provisión de leche en la infancia a menudo es inadecuada. Al final, el peso del niño aumenta, pero no tan bien como a la edad de 0-6 el primer mes. Se puede ver desde su KMS. A la edad de 0-6 meses, el aumento puede ser de 0.5 kg o más, pero después de comer el mayor incremento es solo de 1-2 onzas, por lo que el crecimiento queda atrás, explicó en el marco de una conferencia de prensa. Nestlé Dancow Explore Your Mundo en Royal Plaza Surabaya recientemente. Si mengasup más carbohidratos, entonces los niños se llenan rápidamente. Sin embargo, esto hace que tiendan a ser de baja estatura y que el cerebro esté menos desarrollado de manera óptima. Lea también: Si la nutrición es buena, los niños serán más expeditos Exploraciones Roedi, la altura añadida ahora también no solo es relevante para la condición genética de sus padres. Además, una investigación reciente también demuestra que los factores nutricionales juegan un papel en el crecimiento de anak.Konsultan nutrición y enfermedades metabólicas de los niños de los hospitales Dr. Soetomo agrega, esto se ve en la gente de Corea y Japón en la actualidad. Estas dos naciones alguna vez fueron conocidas por tener cuerpos cortos, pero hoy su altura es muy superior al promedio de los asiáticos. No están contando qué tan alto. De todos modos dado buena leche y mucho. Por otro lado, nuestra gente tiene escasez porque bebe menos leche, incluso más, el consumo de leche está disminuyendo, continuó. Para determinar cuál es la mejor leche para los niños, solo asegúrate de que cuando el niño consuma el líquido no esté enfermo y suba de peso. debe ser costoso siempre y cuando no se vea afectado por el amigo de la madre. Sí, puede intentarse, pero las necesidades de los hijos de la madre de A y B son diferentes, urainya.Bila no cumple, consulta a un pediatra y consulta la leche adecuada para los niños. Pero si ha encontrado uno adecuado, el Dr. Roedi no es recomendable para la leche bergonta, porque se teme que desencadene indigestión como diarrea u otros problemas. Lea también: Mensaje de psicólogo para mantener a los niños seguros mientras explora el medioambiente (lll / vit)
Minggu, 11 Februari 2018
Health Benefits of a Medium Wire Pants Trends in Japan
Health Benefits of a Medium Wire Pants Trends in Japan
Jakarta, pants in Japan nude, fundoshi, back into fashion trends after was considered ancient. Underwear with this fabric model is said to have various health benefits. Keiji Nakagawa of the Japan Fundoshi Association says there are at least two health benefits gained when using fundoshi. First, the blood flow at the waist and the groin becomes more fluent. Fundoshi does not use rubber at the waist so it does not clamp the blood vessels, so the blood flow becomes more fluent, said Keiji, quoted from Rocketnews24.Read also: Japanese people are busy wearing Underwear This Trends The absence of elastic rubber around the waist like other panties also makes the fundoshi not leave marks on the skin if the size is too narrow. This reduces the risk of itching caused by prickly heat or fungal infections due to the underwear that is too tight. Third, the fundoshi made of fabric also contains the wearer is not difficult to move. This is said Keiji make wearer trousers in loincloth fundoshi become more relaxed and relaxed.Read too: Often Wear tight pants? These 4 Impacts on Health The fourth benefit has to do with Japanese culture. Keiji said by not using rubber, then the user must fundoshi tighten the bonds in his own pants. This is related to the spiritual health of Japanese society. Tying the fundoshi ropes between the stomach and the groin makes the man more masculine and the woman more confident, he said. Indeed, there is no scientific research that can prove the benefits of using fundoshi like what is spoken by Keiji. But certainly, underwear, whatever the shape, has a primary function to cover the sex organs from various health risks. Also read: Wear Underwear Sleeping Less Beneficial for Male Fertility (mrs / up)